Monday, August 10, 2015

Log July 28,29,30,31

1. Added the arduino file , Now since i mentioned the drawback was due to the max clocking 
    frequency of arduino's digital pins being 33khz which is not sufficient to switch the transistors
    fast enough , i migrated to using Pi with wiringpi, due to compatibility between arduino's wiring 
    and wiringpi, it can be used out of the box with pi with few minor alterations.

2. Added provision for custom frequency generation in arduino(wiringpi) code

3. Added the code for frequency to change in the simulation upon selecting a frequency to transmit 
    and also for selecting a particular carrier and modulating frequency based on a standard list of
    frequencies using java.reflections and hashmap.

4. Moved certain blocks specific to signal generation and 8051 present in arduino/wiringpi to 
    separate headers and c++ files to improve code re-usability and easy implementation .

5. Updated readme with parts required and their description 


6. Added grid array implementation to and scroll bar to change elevation above the
    transducer plane.


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