Thursday, August 13, 2015

Test - Result Aug 11

1. Amplifying of the resulting signal failed to meet its desired mark therefore resulting in haphazard
    interference pattern except for the principle beam at inclination 0 degrees from the perpendicular
    to the plane of the transducers where the beams converge in phase by default ,thereby giving rise
    to constructive interference. This point produced a very feeble quiver sensation when kept against
    the palm at separation of 1cm. The reason for absence of a strong pressure point is clearly due to
    the circuits inability to amplify the amplitude modulated wave. Therefore the transducers were fed
    a signal of peak-to-peak voltage 2.3 V instead of the required 20V to feel a strong pressure point

2. Although the CMOS containing the complimentary pair of NMOS and PMOS seemed tempting
    at first due to its relative ease of isolation of source and load ( a much required necessity for
    Raspberry pi and to prevent interference of improper impedance matching at load from affecting
    the signal generation at the source) due to its voltage controlled gate rather than BJT's current
    controlled base, however a quick look shows the gain of CMOS to be very small as compared to
    the gain of BJT which can very greatly be enhanced and made linear by bypassing the emitter
    resistance with a capacitor. This increases the switching time of the BJT significantly beyond that
    of CMOS which is again a much  needed necessity.

3. The test showed a perfect correlation regarding the switching of the transistors upon stimulus from

4. Link to the video demonstrating the test

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