Saturday, July 18, 2015

Log 16 July

1. Coded the algorithm for 8051 to generate the two sine waves for carrier and modulating waves.

    Structure of Operation

    1. Instead of using standard oscillators such as wein bridge , colpitts etc , I decided to use an
        8051 for generating the two sine waves since it allows us to change their frequencies 
        programmatically  without going through the tedious process of changing the resistors and                   capacitors supposing         at later point some other transducer is used.
    2. If any other microcontroller in charge of switching the transducers on and off intends to
        communicate with the 8051 to set the carrier and modulating frequencies. To first enable
        serial communication the INT0 pin that is P3.2 pin of 8051 must be transitioned from high to               low and held at low          for atleast a period of 4*(Duration of 1 Machine Cycle) .
    3. Upon doing this the serial communication interrupt is enabled on the 8051 and the MC can
        converse with it using UART. But the signal generation occurs only after both the carrier and
        modulating wave frequencies have been updated to the 8051 even if supposing we want carrier
        to remain unchanged and change the modulating still both have to be updated. 
    4. After updating the serial communication is once again disabled since the signal generation
        algorithm multiplexes TH1 register which is also required for serial communication.

Commits :

2. Coded the headers to be included by any MC in-charge of controlling the transducers. They                 basically implement structures and define few default constants to set frequency and grid pattern


3. Added abstract class Frequency and child classes Carrier and Modulated to for 
   easy configuration of the frequencies to be used and sent to the MC for signal generation.


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