Saturday, July 11, 2015

LOG - July 11

Today was basically spent on updating the code with other important and vital features .

Features Include:

Near Field Length: 

Method was added to compute the near field length. This is very essential since, ultrasonic waves emitted by transducers show uniform properties and attain maximum sound pressure level just beyond the near field length. Before this due to the intense proximity of the wavelets they tend to interfere among themselves and hence give distorted output,and so any tactile sensation must be programmed to be felt so that they are just beyond this length. Commit:
 deals with this implementation.

As shown in the diagram , in the nearfield the amplitude variations are very abrupt in contrast with the far field variation.

Diffraction Angle

Added diffraction angle measurement for beam emitted by  a single transducer. This helps in accommodating different  transducers with ease if the need should arise. Commit :
deals with this implementation 

Sound Pressure and Acoustic Force 

Added method to dynamically calculate the sound pressure and acoustic force on the canvas at the point where the mouse is currently positioned and display it on the canvas. This helps in speculating and designing the type of array best suited for achieving different results like either a rectangular grid array or an annular array etc. Commit 

deals with this implementation 

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